What is a Service Mesh – Features and Benefits

Service mesh is a new approach to managing network communication between services in a cloud-native architecture. It is designed to solve the complex issues of modern applications by providing a dedicated infrastructure layer for communication between microservices.

A service mesh provides a set of features and capabilities that can be used to manage traffic, security, and observability. By separating the communication concerns from the application logic, service mesh enables developers to focus on writing business logic, while the service mesh handles the networking.

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using a service mesh in a cloud-native architecture, and we’ll take a look at some of the most popular service mesh products in use today.


Primary Benefits of Service Mesh

1. Traffic Management: A service mesh provides intelligent routing capabilities that can manage traffic flows between services based on predefined rules. This can be used to route traffic to the appropriate service instance based on factors such as load balancing, latency, and other criteria.

2. Service Discovery: In a cloud-native architecture, services can be deployed and scaled dynamically. A service mesh provides a way to discover services and manage their connectivity, regardless of their location or the underlying infrastructure.

3. Security: A service mesh provides a way to secure communications between services by encrypting traffic, enforcing access controls, and implementing authentication and authorization policies.

4. Observability: A service mesh provides visibility into the communication between services, enabling developers to troubleshoot issues and optimise performance. By collecting and analysing telemetry data, developers can gain insights into the behaviour of their services and the health of the overall system.

5. Resilience: A service mesh provides features such as circuit breaking and retries that can help ensure that a service remains available and responsive even in the face of network disruptions or failures.

Why Service Mesh? 

Here are some additional benefits of Service Mesh in a cloud-native architecture:

1. Scalability: Service mesh can be used to horizontally scale services by adding or removing instances based on demand. This can be done dynamically without affecting the overall system, allowing for seamless scaling.

2. Flexibility: Service mesh can be used with different programming languages, platforms, and infrastructure. This allows for a more flexible and modular architecture that can adapt to changing requirements.

3. Consistency: Service mesh provides a consistent way to manage communication between services, regardless of their location or underlying infrastructure. This can help ensure that services are interacting in a consistent and predictable manner, reducing errors and improving overall system reliability.

4. Compliance: Service mesh can help ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and security standards by enforcing policies and auditing communication between services.

5. DevOps: Service mesh can improve collaboration between development and operations teams by providing visibility and control over service communication. This can help teams identify and resolve issues more quickly, improving overall productivity.

Overall, Service Mesh can help simplify the management of communication between services in a cloud-native architecture, improving the overall reliability, security, and scalability of modern applications.

Common Service Mesh Products

  1. Istio: Istio is an open-source service mesh that provides traffic management, service discovery, security, and observability features. It is built on top of Envoy, a high-performance proxy that provides load balancing, traffic routing, and other networking capabilities.
  2. Linkerd: Linkerd is another open-source service mesh that provides traffic management, service discovery, security, and observability features. It is built on top of a lightweight proxy that is designed for high performance and low overhead.
  3. Consul: Consul is a service mesh and service discovery tool that provides a way to discover services, manage their connectivity, and secure their communication. It is designed to be easy to use and can be integrated with other tools in the HashiCorp ecosystem.

AWS App Mesh: AWS App Mesh is a service mesh that provides traffic management, service discovery, security, and observability features. It is designed to be fully integrated with the AWS ecosystem and can be used to manage applications running on AWS.

Why should you consider using Service Mesh in your enterprise organisation

Enterprise organisations often have complex architectures with multiple services and systems that need to communicate with each other. Managing these communication channels can be a challenge, especially when it comes to maintaining security, reliability, and scalability. This is where Service Mesh can play a critical role.

Service Mesh provides a layer of abstraction that separates the apåplication logic from the networking concerns. This allows developers to focus on writing code while the Service Mesh handles communication between services. Additionally, Service Mesh can provide additional capabilities such as traffic management, service discovery, security, and observability, which can be especially beneficial in large, complex enterprise environments.

One of the key advantages of Service Mesh is that it provides a consistent way to manage service-to-service communication. This is particularly important in enterprise organisations, where different teams may be using different programming languages, platforms, and infrastructure. Service Mesh provides a standardised way to handle communication, which can help reduce errors, improve reliability, and make it easier to integrate different systems.

Another advantage of Service Mesh is that it can help improve security and compliance. In enterprise organisations, security is a top priority, and Service Mesh can provide features such as encryption, access control, and auditing that can help ensure that communication between services is secure and compliant with regulatory requirements.

Service Mesh can also help improve scalability and resilience in enterprise environments. By providing features such as load balancing, circuit breaking, and retries, Service Mesh can help ensure that services remain available and responsive even in the face of high demand or network disruptions.

Many large organisations are already using Service Mesh to improve their architecture and operations. For example, Capital One, a major financial services company, uses Istio to manage communication between services and improve overall system reliability. Similarly, eBay, a leading e-commerce company, uses Linkerd to manage its microservices architecture and improve scalability and resilience.

In summary, Service Mesh provides a powerful set of capabilities that can help large enterprise organisations manage communication between services in a more secure, reliable, and scalable manner. By providing a layer of abstraction that separates application logic from networking concerns, Service Mesh allows developers to focus on writing code while the Service Mesh handles the complexities of communication. With the many benefits that Service Mesh provides, it is no surprise that more and more organisations are adopting this technology to improve their operations and outcomes.


Service mesh is a powerful tool for managing communication between services in a cloud-native architecture. By providing a dedicated infrastructure layer for communication, service mesh enables developers to focus on writing business logic, while the service mesh handles the networking. There are many service mesh products available today, each with its own set of features and capabilities. Whether you choose Istio, Linkerd, Consul, AWS App Mesh or another solution, a service mesh can help you build scalable and resilient applications in the cloud.

How can Tek Rovers help?

Tek Rovers Pty Ltd excels in consulting with small medium and large scale organisations around the needs for Service Mesh and we can help in establishing a Service Mesh for your organisation by applying automation, security and quality management from the beginning. Reach out to us for more info via our Contact Us Page.